Public Land is Native Land


As hikers, climbers, and outdoors enthusiasts, we love that access to America's Public Lands allows us to pursue these activities, but for non-Native people, it is too easy to forget that these public lands were created through the violent dispossession of millions of Indigenous people - the system is designed to make us forget. As long as we continue to accept indigenous erasure as the status quo, we continue to be complicit in the ongoing colonial project in the United States. 


This is an Environmental Justice issue


Acknowledging public land as stolen Native land, restoring original place names, and telling the Indigenous stories of America's Public Lands is not a solution, but it is a way to begin re-indigenizing these places and holding the U.S. agencies that control these lands accountable. We believe just and ethical outdoor travel is possible. It begins with centering the goals, values, and treaty rights of the Native nations who were here first. 

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